Mehdi Bagherzadeh Niri; - -; - -
Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 1-18
The importance of the study of Knowledge Active Forgetting (KAF) is generally described. In this paper, in order to create a comprehensive definition, different definitions of organizational forgetting and knowledge active forgetting presented in the literature, have been reviewed. In addition, key concepts ...
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The importance of the study of Knowledge Active Forgetting (KAF) is generally described. In this paper, in order to create a comprehensive definition, different definitions of organizational forgetting and knowledge active forgetting presented in the literature, have been reviewed. In addition, key concepts and characteristics that should be considered in the definition of KAF have been extracted. Based on this, concept KAF as an intentional and systematic activity is dependent on the value of knowledge manages. Then, in order to analyze the relationship between KAF and knowledge stickiness to person and organizational context, we gathered qualitative rich data by case study as one of the qualitative research methods. Based on the results of data analysis it can be expressed that by increasing stickiness of knowledge to person and organizational context, the resistance to process of KAF is increased. As a result, organization will be allocated more time and effort in order to manage old and obsolete knowledge. The results of this paper can help managers of organizations to manage their old and obsolete knowledge according to the level of knowledge stickiness to people and organizational context.
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Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 19-33
Abbas shoul* Instructor – faculty of management of the university of Vali-E-Asr Rafsanjan, Iran mehdi ebrahiminejad (Ph. D.) Associate professor – faculty of management of the university of Shahid Bahonar Kerman, Iran Mohammadreza Namdaran Student Instructor – faculty of management ...
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Abbas shoul* Instructor – faculty of management of the university of Vali-E-Asr Rafsanjan, Iran mehdi ebrahiminejad (Ph. D.) Associate professor – faculty of management of the university of Shahid Bahonar Kerman, Iran Mohammadreza Namdaran Student Instructor – faculty of management of the university of Vali-E-Asr Rafsanjan, Iran Abstract Today work ethics and customer-orientation are very important and many scientific discussions are given about them. Though the use of the word "customer-orientation" goes back to some recent decades which has been changed to competitive advantage for companies. But there are few articles which primarily study the relationship between work ethics and customer-orientation. This article first describes the literature of the work ethics customer-orientation and also some examples of the work ethics and they survey their relationship with customer-orientation. The expected population is 160. By using affirmatives factor analysis, the work ethics from the point of view of Miller and also customer-orientation indexes from the point of view of Sahney were confirmed. Then the relationship between the work ethics and customer-orientation with the use of Spearmen coefficient were measured. The results of the research show that in Almas Kavir Tile Company of Rafsangan , the level of work ethics is higher than %50, customer-orientation is higher than %50 and there is a significant relationship between work ethics and custom-orientation.
Hashem Sodagar; - -
Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 35-56
Mohammad Hesam Ghanbari; Shaaban Elahi; Alireza Hasanzadeh
Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 57-71
In recent decay development of different technologies is dramitically high and it influences in services. One of fields which is affected from information technology is bankining industry. Wireless technology is one of the information technology fields that has a greate development in recent years which ...
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In recent decay development of different technologies is dramitically high and it influences in services. One of fields which is affected from information technology is bankining industry. Wireless technology is one of the information technology fields that has a greate development in recent years which resualt of that is mobile banking service. Banking industry is a smple that uses data mining technique. Data mining is kind of exploring knowledge to solve a special problem. In this research 232817 data is used to find some models by artificial neural networks and naïve bayes techniques in according with customers' attributes. Furtheremore result of this research help to classify customers who use mobile banking service and then the bank can offer the service to somebody who are in this classification but donot use this service. So in this way the bank can attract more customers, maintain its customers, and keep high customers' satisfaction. Also the research reveals that artificial neural networks is more accurate than naivie bayes and the research's hypothesis is proved.
Seyed Mohammad Ali Khatami Firouzabadi
Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 73-90
mohammad Zali; - -; - -; - -
Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 91-111
Abstract This article investigates the impact of social network size on business performance based on GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) data of Iran, Croatia and Denmark in 2008-2010. A sample of 1801 owner-managers participated in the GEM interviews is used. Social network of an entrepreneur is ...
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Abstract This article investigates the impact of social network size on business performance based on GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) data of Iran, Croatia and Denmark in 2008-2010. A sample of 1801 owner-managers participated in the GEM interviews is used. Social network of an entrepreneur is made up of private, job, experience, professional and market networks. Exploratory factor analysis shows that the experience network and private network have the highest and lowest factor loadings respectively (0.9 and 0.37). Similarly, in factor analysis of performance as a latent variable the highest factor loading is for export (0.33) and the lowest is for growth expectation (0.05). The results show that Danish entrepreneurs establish their business mostly to exploit opportunities (75%) rather than having no better job option. Most of them also have role models (more than 70%). In these regards Denmark has higher rank than Iran and Croatia. On average the entrepreneurs’ social network size in Iran is 2.9 while in two other countries, it is 6. The size of private network is higher than size of other networks in Iran (1.61). The result of structural equation modelling shows that business performance (innovation, export and growth expectation) is affected significantly by social network size (74%) and this effect is moderated by role model (0.07%) and opportunity motivation (7.2%). Keywords: Social Networks, Business Performance, Opportunity Motivation, Role Model.
Sadegh Shokrzadeh
Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 114-128
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the relationship as well as the impact of Training Methods on knowledge management process in Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) as a research based organization. The target population consisted of all experts in AEOI. Based on Krejcie and Morgan table, ...
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Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the relationship as well as the impact of Training Methods on knowledge management process in Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) as a research based organization. The target population consisted of all experts in AEOI. Based on Krejcie and Morgan table, 328 statistical samples were randomly selected. Instrument for data collection was questionnaire made by researcher which the reliability level was acceptable. The result of the study shown significant relationship between training methods and knowledge management process. Based on this research, active practical method had high regression impact on knowledge creation.
Hossein Azizi
Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 129-150
Supplier selection is a complex but important decision that requires careful review of various performance criteria. Traditionally, models of supplier selection have been based on cardinal data, with less emphasis on ordinal data. However, with the widespread use of production methods, such as the just-in-time ...
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Supplier selection is a complex but important decision that requires careful review of various performance criteria. Traditionally, models of supplier selection have been based on cardinal data, with less emphasis on ordinal data. However, with the widespread use of production methods, such as the just-in-time method, recently more emphasis is placed on considering imprecise data—i.e., mixtures of interval and ordinal data. This article proposes to use data envelopment analysis (DEA) with double frontiers for supplier selection, a methodology which considers not only the optimistic efficiency but also the pessimistic efficiency of each supplier. Compared with the traditional DEA, the DEA approach with double frontiers can identify the best supplier accurately and easily without having to impose any weight limitations. A numerical example will be examined using the DEA approach with double frontiers to illustrate its simplicity and convenience for supplier selection and justification.
Ahmad Esakhani; Ali Asghar Fani; Hsssan Danaee Fard
Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 151-166
In a recent decade there has been a great deal of interest in work engagement. This interest stems from evidences that show the strong relationship between engagement and individual and organizational outcomes. It has been reported that the level of employee engagement in organization is low. The decline ...
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In a recent decade there has been a great deal of interest in work engagement. This interest stems from evidences that show the strong relationship between engagement and individual and organizational outcomes. It has been reported that the level of employee engagement in organization is low. The decline in level of employee engagement costs organization billions of dollar in term of lost productivity. Different factors (such as job demands, job resources, personal resources) has been identified as antecedents and also different factor (such as organizational commitment, job satisfaction, Organizational citizenship behavior etc.) as consequences of work engagement. In this line, aim of this research is to explain antecedents of work engagement and its effect on organizational commitment. Results show that job resources (autonomy, social support, feedback, supervisory coaching, opportunities for development) and personal resources (self efficacy, proactive personality, conscientious trait) are work engagement antecedents. And work engagement has positive effect on organizational commitment.
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Volume 16, Issue 2 , July 2012, Pages 180-200
Managers in all organizations today called for optimum use of existing facilities and capacities in different sectors. So in order to provide feedback model to improve performance of various branches and agencies to achieve a tool to meet the needs of managers, and the essential logic seems. The purpose ...
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Managers in all organizations today called for optimum use of existing facilities and capacities in different sectors. So in order to provide feedback model to improve performance of various branches and agencies to achieve a tool to meet the needs of managers, and the essential logic seems. The purpose of this study provide a model compilation process fuzzy network analysis, balanced scorecard and fuzzy data envelopment analysis for performance evaluation of branch offices is Yazd Cooperative with the device can also identify efficient and inefficient branches, the appropriate strategies improve the performance of inefficient branches and more branches to strengthen whatever can be effectively developed. In this study of balanced scorecard model to extract parameters assessment, fuzzy analysis network process techniques to estimate fuzzy relative importance of each indicator under a single perspective and of fuzzy data envelopment analysis techniques to evaluate the performance of branches has been used. financial Perspective as the most important, and the Yazd and ardakan Branches were identified Assessment as the efficient performance of the branches.