Document Type : Review Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Hazrat Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran

2 Master of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Hazrat Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran


Since the middle of the 20th century, the world has witnessed the rapid internationalization of industries, companies and markets. Environmental changes have reduced international trade barriers to a great extent, so that global markets have become accessible even to the youngest and smallest businesses. These developments have created a new form of international companies under the name of born global firms. In this regard, the aim of the current research is to provide a model of the rapid internationalization process of born global firms using the meta-synthesis method. Therefore, this research has developmental purpose and qualitative approach. To achieve the main goal of the research, the seven-step meta-synthesis method of Sandelowski and Barroso (2006) was used, and the importance and priority of each of the proposed factors was determined using Shannon's entropy quantitative method. After analyzing the articles, first 150 indicators were identified and classified into 31 dimensions, which include three parts: antecedents, process and consequences. Based on the results of Shannon's entropy quantitative analysis, the organizational, environmental and individual dimensions (founder) ranked first to third among the antecedents. Among the processes before entry, international development and growth and stabilization rank first to third, and among the consequences of rapid internationalization, global companies have the strategic and practical consequences of the first and second ranks, respectively.


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