Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of Business Administration, Department of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Business Administration, Department of Management, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Department of Management, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran


In today’s dynamic environment where we are witnessing the digital age and Industry 4.0, having innovative products and processes has become a necessity. Recent theories state that intellectual capital as a strategic knowledge resource plays a key role in achieving superior innovation performance, and having dynamic capabilities to reconfigure knowledge resources and respond to innovation opportunities is critical. Therefore, the present research is aimed at examining the relationships between intellectual capital, product innovation, and process innovation performance, and it also investigates the mediating roles of digital and agile reconfiguration capabilities in these relationships. The current study is a quantitative research that has adopted a descriptive-correlational research design. The study has carried out a questionnaire-based survey, gathering data from top managers of 127 medical equipment manufacturers. To assess the validity and reliability of the measurement model, confirmatory factor analysis was used, and to examine the structural model and research hypotheses, partial least squares structural equation modeling was implemented. The findings have revealed that intellectual capital as a strategic knowledge resource exerts positive influence on product and process innovation performance, and digital and agile reconfiguration capabilities partially mediate these relationships. Accordingly, intellectual capital is necessary to augment product and process innovation performance, but to effectively leverage this knowledge resource, medical equipment manufacturers need to have complementary dynamic capabilities, such as digital and agile reconfiguration capabilities.


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