Document Type : Original Article


1 PHDstudent of management department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Management Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Management Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


Road accidents and their financial damages, which are imposed on families and the government, are known as important and considerable problems in the society. In this regard, this research has presented a comprehensive model for strategic crisis management in road accidents with Grand Theory. In terms of purpose, this research is applied and qualitative research type with the foundation's data approach. Data collection is performed through semi-structured interviews with 15 road and traffic managers as well as professors and experts in crisis management with targeted snowball sampling and theoretical saturation of the subject. Qualitative data analysis shows two factors: "management of human factors in drivers and car passengers" and "control, management and prevention of technical defects of vehicles" as causal factors, "control, management of improvement of technical condition and road facilities" as background factors, "optimal and predicted management of weather conditions" and "policy of road management safety in high-level institutions and the requirement to comply with it in all aspects" as intervening factors and "management of all factors involved in accidents and coordination between all bodies involved in improvement and management "road traffic crises" as a central category, three categories of "management strategies", "vehicle safety and improvement strategies" and "social-cultural strategies" as strategies and "improving the quality level of management and safety culture and road traffic in the country" are identified as the main outcome. The results of this research can provide technical and operational solutions for decision makers of the country's traffic sector to plan road safety measures.


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