Document Type : Original Article


1 student islamic azad university

2 Assistant Professor Department of public Management, Kerman branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran


The purpose of this research is to design a green human resource management model based on the AMO approach in Kerman Coal Mining Company. In terms of purpose, this research is practical and in terms of the method of collecting information, it is part of mixed (qualitative-quantitative) research. The qualitative part was conducted by reviewing the literature and field data and conducting 14 semi-structured interviews using the theme analysis strategy.the experimental evaluation of the impact of the identified activities on the company's environmental performance was investigated based on designed questionnaires. After measuring the validity and reliability of the questionnaires, they were distributed. The statistical population was 600 people and the sample size was determined to be 234 people based on the Georgesi and Morgan table. Data analysis was done structural equation modeling method using AMOS23 software. The findings of the qualitative section include 17 main themes and 59 sub-themes. According to the AMO model, green human resource management activities were placed in three categories: green ability with 6 main themes, green motivation with 4 main themes and green opportunities with 7 main themes. The findings of the quantitative section also showed that the effect of green ability of employees on the environmental performance of the company is not significant, but the effect of green motivation and provision of green opportunities on environmental performance is significant. Therefore, the presented model provides useful insights into the functions of human resource management to support the environmental performance of coal mining companies.


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