The psychosocial work environment as a way to deal with stress and mental disorders and social challenges is one of the new topics in the field of management studies. The purpose of this paper is to identify the dimensions and components of this variable in selected government organizations. The research method is mixed. Statistical population in the first stage consists of both university and executive experts and in the second stage of managers and experts of the Qom province medical sciences and two subsidiaries. The statistical sample included 12 people in the qualitative section by Delphi technique and 144 in the quantitative section through Krejcie and Morgan table. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by expert judgment and its reliability by Cronbachchr('39')s alpha calculation. Using Kendall test and factor analysis through SPSS and LISREL software, 20 components were extracted and tested in 8 dimensions of psychosocial work environment. Ranked by these dimensions are leadership, role expectations, commitment to the organization, job demands, job control, organizational culture and atmosphere, work-life balance, social interactions.
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