It is the ethics and commitment to morals in today’s business that are of the most important factors that shape the buyer’s thinking and manners on a growing basis. One of the main challenges ahead of businesses, especially online businesses is sellers' commitments to morals that influences different aspects of each business such as the buyer's behavioral tendencies and retailer image. The present study examined electronic retailers’ ethics and its impacts on the buyer's behavioral tendencies and retailer image. In terms of aims, the study is developmental and practical. The statistical population includes 342 customers that shop online. The quantitative data were gathered by means of questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling and through SPSS and PLS software. The model of e-retailers ethics involves five dimensions: 1. Privacy, 2. Security, 3. Reliability, 4. Non-deception, 5. Benevolence. As for the findings, e-retailers ethics positively affect the buyer's behavioral tendencies and retailer image.
Keywords: e-retailers ethics, electronic commerce, customer behavioral tendencies, retailer image.
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