The use of elite human resources in decision-making and implementation of decisions adopted in government organizations is a necessity accepted by many managers and organizational experts, however in practice a significant number of managers at different levels for various reasons and with Different strategies evade effective use and interaction with the elite.
The aim of this study was to investigate the elitist strategies of managers in Iranian government organizations with a combined approach. In the qualitative section, the required data were calculated through a library study of available sources and semi-structured interviews with 15 experts from Hamedan government organizations and analysis of the qualitative content of the interviews. The statistical population in both qualitative and quantitative sections of the study were experts working in government organizations in Hamadan. In the quantitative section, first, using the fuzzy Delphi method, the consensus of 15 experts (interview stage) on the identified and categorized strategies was calculated. In order to rank the strategies, according to Morgan's table, 108 questionnaires were randomly distributed among the community of 153 experts of government organizations in Hamadan. The questionnaires collected to rank strategies were analyzed using the SWARA method. The findings showed that managers use 39 strategies in the form of 4 general strategies in order of priority: individual, managerial, organizational and job. At the end of the research, executive and research suggestions are presented.
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