One of the important challenges of organizations is that many strategic plans are not implemented successfully. By providing the required instrumental and information platform at various levels of an organization and among top and strategic managers, IT capabilities enable the organization to implement its strategies effectively.
The purpose of this research is to design a strategy implementation framework based on IT capabilities. The research methodology in terms of the result of the research is developmental and for the purpose of exploratory research, and in the method of qualitative research is a case study type. The data collection tool is interview and for data analysis has been used the theme analysis method.
Based on the results, implementation of strategy based on IT capabilities requires a change in the IT position, which is included the five main concepts. It also identified the dimensions and components of IT capabilities in strategy implementation. In the following, it was identified 18 IT Functionality that was explained in the form of 9 themes of a strategy based on I capabilities and for each strategy themes was proposed related IT tools and ultimately the final framework was presented.
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