

Predictions about depletion of fossil fuels, global warming and climate change, and energy portfolio diversification policies are key drivers for deployment of renewable energies for power generation. Fossil fuel exporting countries have also developed policies to increase share of renewable energies in their energy mix. Variety of feasible renewable prime energy resources in Iran, different commercial technologies to convert them to electricity, various stakeholder expectations from renewable power deployment, and multiple technical, financial and environmental constraints make such decision making a complex problem. Authors have developed a multi-objective optimization of Iran Renewable Portfolio. The solution specifies optimized share of solar photovoltaic (PV), land wind, small hydro, geothermal and biomass (waste and sewage) in deploying 5,000 MW renewable power, stated in 6th Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan of Iran. Weight of goals and data for technical knowledge and social impacts have been obtained through primary research utilizing Analytical Hierarchical Process among Iranian experts.


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