

Science and technology have had divergent trend in almost a few hundred years ago. However, half through the twentieth century the convergence of science and technology has begun with the advent of the interdisciplinary stream and then at the beginning of the twenty first century with the advent of the emerging science and technologies stream. Understanding this process is the policy requirements. This research attend to find evidences of divergence in priorities by study science and technology emerging trends and science and technology thematic priorities in the three countries: United States, Russia and China with futuristic approach. Research method is qualitative content analysis, statistics samples, and documents that have been published about the emerging trends in science and technology. The research achievements indicate thematic trends in science and technologies are moving towards convergence. The research results declare the convergence at first is created based on "Information Technology", and the next in sequence "Biotechnology and Health", "Energy", as well as "Nanotechnology".


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