

Adel Azar*, Rahmatoallah Gholipor**,Saied Mehdi Alavani***, Akbar komijani****, Esfandiar Mohammadi*****.
From the End of 1970s Privatization have become a Dominant Goal of General Policies of Governments. Every Country Based on its Special Circumstances Followed Special Model of Privatization. The aim of This Study is to Design the Comprehensive Model for Privatization and Transfer of Governmental Enterprises in Iran with PolicyMaking Approach having Concern to Laws and thair Haierarchy in Country , Proper Strategies of Transfers is Offered.
In this Model , Privatization have Settled on Two Bas:1- Financial Goals of Enterprise Include: Productivity , Competition, Profitability and Stock Value. 2- Public Good Goals Include: Employment, Environment of Life, Welfar and Equity. Based on these Goals We offer Ways for Creating Infrastractures of Privatization in Country Such as: Transparency in Transferes, Create Security for Investement, Stablish and Modify the Current Rules, Create Competitive Stock Environment, Resesrch and Development, reinforcemented stock Exchange, Evaluate and Restructure of Enterprises and Stablish Non Governmental Institution for Control of Privatizution Process. After That We Propose Two Magor Strategies for Privatization In Iran: use of Foreign Investment and Issue of Stock In Stock Exchange. The, Proper Requirements have Proposed for Monitoring Privatization Process Such as Government, Parlement, Mass Media and Non Govermmeut Ovganizations. At the end of Modol The Alternative for Reporting of Perfoemance have Presented.
