Growing the importance of environmental issue have led numerous companies to regard green marketing and purchasing behavior concepts as the main source of their strategic shift and the subsequent growing research, increasing the dispersion and explosion of information in this field, therefore the essence of a combination of research out in the matter to the systematic way and facing the researchers. This research using meta- analysis and software comprehensive meta- analysis (CMA) to analyze the research conducted between 1997 and 2015 in the field of green purchasing behavior. After reviewing the research conducted, 22 internal and external study, 39 variables and hypothesis were identified. Used to funnel charts and statistical methods Rosenthal and Orwin way to check the validity of the findings and publication bias. The results of the meta- analysis shows that Environmental concern, Social Influences, Perceived effectiveness, Perceived environmental responsibility, Concern for self- image in environmental protection, Environmental Attitude, Perceived seriousness of environmental problems and Green purchase intention most effective and different studies have been green purchase behavior.