

Holding companies differ in nature from commercial companies. Adopting a specific policy towards products and services, holding companies support and control their subsidiaries. Competition and strategic planning conceptually differ in companies and ordinary commercial companies owing to the fact that no two holding companies, which provide similar products and services can be found, even at the international level. Information systems strategic planning (ISSP) is accomplished to develop an orientation toward the investment in information and communications technologies that aligns with the strategic objectives of the organization. As mentioned earlier, due to the differences between parent companies and ordinary commercial companies with single- or multi-products/services in terms of strategic planning and competition, the information systems strategic planning process in holding companies follows quite different steps. This distinguishing nature leads us to take considerations into account in ISSP steps. Applying balanced scoredcard method, this article concentrates the limited resources of investment on the processes that fulfill an essential role in accomplishing the strategic objectives of holding companies.
