

This paper focuses on the measurement of justice perception using fuzzy ‎logic. The measurement of justice perception is not a simple matter, because ‎it is a subjective, complex, vague and ambiguous construct, which is also ‎involved with the judgmental process. Therefore, the low accuracy and ‎reliability of the measurement are among the main concerns in using justice ‎perception measurements. The object of this paper was to develop a new ‎method for measuring justice perception in the frame of the Fairness Theory ‎with three types of fairness: distributive, procedural and interactional. It was ‎performed in a Iranian Bank (Melat Bank) with the aim of decreasing the ‎measurement bias and increasing its reliability. The outputs of this fuzzy ‎measurement are significantly different to those of the other conventional ‎methods. The reliability and the construct validity of this fuzzy measurement ‎were confirmed by statistical results. Comparison of the means of the crisp ‎and fuzzy scores using two-paired T- test showed a significant difference ‎between the means of crisp and fuzzy scores in the distributive, interactional ‎and general justice, but there was no not significant difference in this regard ‎in the procedural justice‏.‏‎ It also could represent the latent factors of human ‎cognitive judgment and, therefore, contribute to improve the justice ‎perception process in organizations.‎
