In recent years, in system dynamics society has increased attention to qualitative approaches. One method of extracting models of qualitative system dynamics has been many used is a Group Model Building. In this method, clients are involved in the modeling process. But it has not been systematically studied to assess the effectiveness of Group modeling. Systematically assess is important because the following reasons: 1) understand the impact of this approach on the customer and target organizations; 2) Enhance the effectiveness of a modeling process. In this paper we have evaluated a Group modeling that was used in the design of aviation Technology Park by a questionnaire was filled out by participants after modeling sessions. The results of this survey indicate that participants acknowledged the importance, usefulness and the efficiency of these sessions. Also in the regard of meetings, open discussion, external facilitator and meetings as a group, using cause and effect diagrams, images and graphics to visualize the process, meetings outside the office environment, using workbook and the clear instructions in the meetings are important. Participants Expressed the Informal meetings have been useful.
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