Nowadays, the expansion of competition and the increasing complexity of the environments affecting business activities are significantly evident. Accordingly, application of appropriate business models has been of great importance for managers to determine the optimal performance of the organization activities in competitive conditions. Therefore, identification of various business models and familiarity with their main features are essential. In this study, it has been attempted through use of quantitative content analysis approach. It conducted by reviewing various studies on business from 1990 to 2017 to identify various business models under the major categories of the study. It lead o describe their features and factors to design and implement each model under minor categories. Through this research, various business questions have been answered and trends of the past studies of various business models, the most recent and most important models, as well as the most important factors in designing and implementing them, have been presented. This components in the results is hoping to be an effective step in helping executives of organizations and industries of the country to deploy or improve the business models.
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