

Coopetition (which results from the combination of two strategies of competition and cooperation) is a new type of inter-organizational relationship that can lead to a win-win situation. In this paper, we try to develop a conceptual model for coopetition strategy for ICT industry using the grounded theory research methodology based on ICT industry experts’ opinions. Therfore, research conducted by adopting a qualitative method and conducting deep or semi-structured interviews with experts in this industry and analyzing data based on open, axial and selective coding in grounded theory approach. As results we identified tendency toward coopetition strategy as a core phenomenon as well as other dimensions of the conceptual model including causal conditions, the intervening and the context variables, as well as strategies and consequences of coopetition in the ICT industry. At the end, a comparative comparison made between the components of proposed conceptual model and the concepts identified in the research literature.


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