

Nowadays, a rise in share of nostalgic products in households consumer basket is apperent. Therefore, in order to distinguish their products, marketers are trying to use consumer interest toward the past in nostalgic products design. Hence, consumers feel relaxed with nostalgic products when feeling insecure, threatened and anxious. Hence, the main purpose of the research is to investigate effect of personal insecurity on the recall of nostalgia. This study also seeks to investigate the effect of induced nostalgia on intention to purchase and behavior of purchasing nostalgic products. In this paper, the experimental design of the control group by post-test has been used to collect data from respondents. Data were collected from 57 and 191 students using random sampling in two sections of preliminary and research studies, respectively. In the preliminary study, the manipulation of the personal insecurity variable among the primary samples was presented through providing different scenarios between the testing and control groups. After observing a significant difference in the mean of personal insecurity variables between the two groups, structural equation modeling used to examine the hypotheses. Findings show that personal insecurity inspires nostalgia in people and self-esteem also adjusts the correlation between personal insecurity and nostalgia. Nostalgia induced in consumers leads to the purchase of nostalgic products. Finally, buying intention positively and significantly affects the purchasing behavior of  nostalgic products.


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