

Electronic Businesses have an undeniable role in growth of country’s economy. Although different researches and studies show that using email marketing in electronic businesses is too important, but there are many problems and challenges about content, time, process of sending email and etc. So research about this subject is valuable and important.
For answering the questions of this research, first the definitions about this subject is determined and then the requirements for email marketing implementation is explained.
This research is practical and it will be beneficial to marketers and businesses who wants to implement email marketing. This research is answering the question “For implementing and deploying email marketing what actions to take and what requirements is needed”.
 The statistical sample of this research is email marketing experts who is working for E-businesses and required information has been obtained by questionnaire. LISREL software for data analysis and confirmatory factor analysis was used.
The final results of this study show that the framework of email marketing within the three dimensions of technology, people and processes, and it also will help to marketing managers of companies or small and medium enterprises owners.


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