

Most organizations use a variety of control mechanisms to direct and influence the attitudes and behaviors of employees, and assurance effectiveness of organizational goals attainment tools. So with regards the special status of organization structure and its role in leading the attitudes and behaviors of employees and various aspects of the job, the purpose of this paper is study effects of organizational structure and job characteristics on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in Tax affaire organization of Tehran. Present study is a descriptive survey and to collect data, a questionnaire has been used that 350 numbers of employees in the Tax affaire organization of Tehran were selected as research sample. In this research, for data analysis, hypothesis and model testing, Cronbach's alpha coefficient test, Path Analysis (Multiple Regression) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used under the both SPSS and LISREL software. Research findings indicate that Among the organizational structure variables, formalization is the most important influencing negative factor on Skill Variety, Task Identity and Task Autonomy. Also, it can be regarded that centralization is the main influencing factor on Task Significance and Feedback. Moreover, Among the job characteristics variables, job Feedback has the maximum effect on job satisfaction. Finally, the research finding indicated that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment.


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