

The six-dimensional strategic thinking, that is king-key of constantly increasing victory in the ‎competition, how is influenced by biographical characteristics (education, age, years of service ‎and number of family members)? The purpose of this research is to explain the answer. This ‎study is descriptive-explanatory based on objective, survey and applied, method and result. ‎The target community of the survey is 384 municipal employees of Qazvin city. Data ‎collection tools included researcher-made questionnaire and its reliability and validity has ‎proven. Data has been analyzed through SPSS software, using variance and Student t test. The ‎geometry of people thinking has been commpared based on Spider Web Model that measures ‎the balance between dimentions of thinking, was conducted. Results showed that there is ‎significant relationship between biographical characteristics and Strategic thinking Model of ‎people. With changing any of above features, a significant change occurs in the model of ‎strategic thinking. Therefore, organizations can be described as a set of thinking models that ‎are constantly changing. The managers and leaders of organizations recommended that the‏ ‏quantity‏ ‏and‏ ‏quality‏ ‏of the process‏ ‏through‏ ‏regulatory‏ ‏mechanisms‏, ‏and‏ ‏conduct‏ ‏regular‏ ‏monitoring‏, ‏to realize their‏ ‏strategic‏ ‏goals of‏ ‏their organizations‏ ‏provide‏.‏
