

Results of the studies done by the Soco - economic Research Division of the former ministry of agriculture [1, p. 3-82] in mid - 1990s indicate that weaknesses of management system in rural areas specially after the 1962 land reform have created a number of pathological problems in agricultural production and rural social relations.
These weaknesses have also brought about damaging consequences to the country's development process and to the agricultural production of Iran villages. For this reason, this paper funded by Institute for Planning and Agricultural Economy, is an attempt to design a measuring tool (through transformation of socio - economic variables to mathematical elements in a universal formula) to measure the functions of rural management based on the economic activity of the village so that through a periodical application of the formula one can identify the weak points of the rural management and use the necessary variables to repair the weak points. In order to design this mathematical tool, we will first identify the factors that cause any fluctuation in effectiveness of rural management by using a theoretical and psycho - sociological approach and then we will classify these factors with an analytical model.
This approach was empirically validated through an explorative study done in areas such as Shahmeerzad, Sargost of Bandar- Abbas, northern strip from Noor to Ramsar, Zarrin- dasht of Firuzkooh and rural areas of Shahroud and Kelardasht. The theoretical elements were then transformed to measurable variables along with their indicators. The operational precedence of this model and its formulae is that in the process of its application if any changes in socio - political, cultural and economic indicators occurs, one can replace the new indicators with the previous ones. So, this model and its
measuring tools have a distinctive feature of being self- modifying and cannot be affected by elements of time, space, the geographical dimension of its application, or type of the economic activity of the village under consideration. Hence, after a tentative application of this model for a period of three to five years and after modification of its elements, it can be used in any socio - economic setting compatible with rural characteristics.
