Ehsan Marzban; Mehdi Mohammadi
Volume 20, Issue 3 , September 2016, , Pages 177-204
Promotion in providing public utilities usually needs to implement reforms in governance and management structures. This reforms and changes focus on soft direction, organizational dimension and institutional aspects of of managerial systems. This paper aims to foresight and depicts the various probabilities ...
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Promotion in providing public utilities usually needs to implement reforms in governance and management structures. This reforms and changes focus on soft direction, organizational dimension and institutional aspects of of managerial systems. This paper aims to foresight and depicts the various probabilities of our country’s power management structure in four widely known models as four scenarios and tries to clarify the possibilities of the people’s participation in power distribution management. In depicting the four scenarios, this paper is strongly determined to find the proper answer to this critical question:”What is the best probable optimized level of democratization, citizen’s participation and interaction- in energy management and what is its pros and cons?” To achieve this aim, scenario writing method-based on inductive model- is used, demonstrating the four macro energy management (governmental, quasi privatized, privatized and self-governance) models. it is obvious that the findings and consequences of the research, would be an appropriate way in policy and decision making for public sector strategic management.